Povzetek knjige “The 5 Second Rule” avtorice Mel Robbins (for English version and pdf summary see below)

Koristnost vsebine

Knjiga “The 5 Second Rule” avtorice Mel Robbins je dragocen vir za posameznike, ki želite izboljšati svojo produktivnost, premagati odlašanje in razviti večjo samozavest. Robbinsova predstavi preprost, a učinkovit način za premagovanje trenutkov dvoma in neodločnosti, kar lahko vodi k še bolj proaktivnemu in izpolnjenemu življenju. Ta metoda je koristna tako v profesionalnem kot osebnem življenju, saj spodbuja hitro ukrepanje in zmanjšuje vpliv negativnih misli, ki nas pogosto zadržujejo.

Bistveno sporočilo

Osrednje sporočilo knjige je, da imamo vsi sposobnost premagati notranje ovire in doseči svoje cilje, če se naučimo ukrepati hitro in odločno. Robbinsova predstavi pravilo 5 sekund, ki temelji na preprosti tehniki odštevanja (5-4-3-2-1-GO). Ta tehnika nam pomaga preiti iz misli v akcijo, preden naš um začne ustvarjati izgovore in dvome oz. s to tehniko aktiviramo naš zavestni del možganov, torej t.i. prefrontalni korteks.

Praktična uporaba pravila 5-4-3-2-1-GO

  1. V vsakdanjem življenju:
    • Ko se zbudite zjutraj in želite ostati v postelji, namesto da bi vstali: ob zvonenju budilke začnite odštevati od 5 do 1 in nato vstanite.
    • Ko želite začeti nov hobi ali aktivnost, a čutite strah ali negotovost: odštevajte od 5 do 1 in nato naredite prvi korak.
  2. Pri delu:
    • Ko morate začeti pomemben projekt ali nalogo, a vas premaguje odlašanje: odštevajte od 5 do 1 in se takoj lotite dela.
    • Ko se želite oglasiti na sestanku ali deliti svoje ideje, a vas zadržuje dvom vase: odštevajte od 5 do 1 in nato spregovorite.
  3. V zasebnem okolju:
    • Ko se želite pogovoriti z nekom o pomembni temi, a se bojite začetka pogovora: odštevajte od 5 do 1 in začnite pogovor.
    • Ko želite spremeniti svoje navade, kot je npr. bolj zdravo prehranjevanje ali redna vadba: uporabite pravilo 5 sekund za začetek novih, zdravih aktivnosti.


Pravilo 5 sekund avtorice Mel Robbins je preprosta, a močna tehnika za premagovanje notranjih ovir in odlašanja. Njena uporaba nas spodbuja k hitremu ukrepanju in prehodu iz misli v dejanja, kar vodi do večje produktivnosti, samozavesti in splošnega zadovoljstva v življenju.

Summary of Mel Robbins’ Book “The 5 Second Rule”

The Usefulness of the Content

Mel Robbins’ book “The 5 Second Rule” is a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve their productivity, overcome procrastination, and develop greater self-confidence. Robbins presents a simple yet effective method for overcoming moments of doubt and indecision, which can lead to a more proactive and fulfilling life. This method is beneficial in both professional and personal contexts, as it encourages quick action and reduces the impact of negative thoughts that often hold us back.

Core Message

The core message of the book is that everyone has the ability to overcome internal obstacles and achieve their goals by learning to act quickly and decisively. Robbins introduces the 5-second rule, which is based on a simple countdown technique (5-4-3-2-1-GO). This technique helps us move from thought to action before our mind starts creating excuses and doubts, effectively activating our conscious brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex.

Practical Application of the 5-4-3-2-1-GO Rule

  1. In Everyday Life:
    • When you wake up in the morning and feel like staying in bed instead of getting up: upon hearing the alarm, start counting down from 5 to 1 and then get up.
    • When you want to start a new hobby or activity but feel fear or uncertainty: count down from 5 to 1 and then take the first step.
  2. At Work:
    • When you need to start an important project or task but are overwhelmed by procrastination: count down from 5 to 1 and immediately begin the work.
    • When you want to speak up in a meeting or share your ideas but are held back by self-doubt: count down from 5 to 1 and then speak up.
  3. In Personal Life:
    • When you want to discuss an important topic with someone but fear starting the conversation: count down from 5 to 1 and begin the conversation.
    • When you want to change your habits, such as eating healthier or exercising regularly: use the 5-second rule to start new, healthy activities.


Mel Robbins’ 5-second rule is a simple yet powerful technique for overcoming internal obstacles and procrastination. Its application encourages us to act quickly and transition from thought to action, leading to greater productivity, confidence, and overall satisfaction in life.

Če vas zanima več / if you would like to dig in …

… tukaj je še malo daljši povzetek knjige / here you can find the book summary by Paul Minors.