In today’s fast-paced business world, it’s no secret that staying ahead of the competition is essential for success. But what exactly does it take to maintain long-term organizational competitiveness?

Our recent LinkedIn Poll reveals that the answer lies in one key characteristic: constant value creation.

With 34% of respondents choosing it as the most crucial aspect of modern corporate culture, it’s clear that businesses that prioritize value creation are the ones that will thrive in the long run.

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into why value creation is so important and how businesses can make it a central part of their strategy for success.


Value creation is an essential characteristic for any business that wishes to succeed in the long run because it is the fundamental principle of creating and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage.

In simple terms, value creation is the process of generating economic or social benefits that exceed the cost of producing and delivering a product or service.

This means that a company must create something that is of value to its customers or stakeholders and be able to do so efficiently and effectively. By doing this, the company can differentiate itself from its competitors, build customer loyalty, and generate revenue and profits over the long term.

Businesses that focus on value creation are better positioned to respond to changes in the market and customer needs, adapt to new technologies, and innovate. They are also more likely to attract and retain talent, as employees are motivated by a sense of purpose and impact.

Moreover, value creation can have a positive impact on society and the environment, which can enhance the company’s reputation and build trust among stakeholders.

This can lead to increased customer loyalty, employee engagement, and investor confidence, which are all crucial factors for long-term success.

In summary, value creation is essential for long-term success in business because it is the foundation of creating sustainable competitive advantage, driving innovation, attracting and retaining talent, and building trust and reputation among stakeholders.


An organization can create more value for its stakeholders by focusing on several key strategies, including:

  • Understanding the stakeholders: An organization must first understand who its stakeholders are, what their needs and expectations are, and how they measure success. This can be done through research, surveys, and feedback mechanisms.
  • Improving products or services: By improving the quality, functionality, and features of its products or services, an organization can create more value for its customers. This can be achieved by investing in research and development, product testing, and customer feedback mechanisms.
  • Enhancing customer experience: An organization can create more value for its customers by providing a seamless and enjoyable customer experience. This can be achieved by improving customer service, simplifying the buying process, and personalizing the customer experience.
  • Building strong relationships: By building strong relationships with its stakeholders, an organization can create more value for them. This can be achieved by establishing clear communication channels, responding to feedback promptly, and providing opportunities for engagement and collaboration.
  • Focusing on sustainability: An organization can create more value for its stakeholders by focusing on sustainability, such as reducing its carbon footprint, using environmentally-friendly materials, and supporting social responsibility initiatives.
  • Investing in employee development: An organization can create more value for its employees by investing in their development and growth. This can be achieved by providing training and development opportunities, offering competitive compensation and benefits, and creating a positive work environment.

Overall, an organization can create more value for its stakeholders by focusing on improving products or services, enhancing the customer experience, building strong relationships, focusing on sustainability, investing in employee development, and continuously monitoring and responding to stakeholder needs and expectations.


Here are some good business practices that can help create higher added value for all stakeholders of a company:

  1. Adopt a customer-centric approach: Companies that prioritize their customers’ needs and desires are more likely to create value for all stakeholders. By focusing on providing exceptional customer service, creating products that meet customer expectations, and incorporating customer feedback into business decisions, companies can build loyal customers, attract new ones, and increase revenue.
  2. Focus on innovation: Companies that prioritize innovation are more likely to create higher added value for all stakeholders. By investing in research and development, exploring new technologies and markets, and encouraging a culture of creativity and experimentation, companies can stay ahead of the competition and provide new and innovative solutions to customers’ needs.
  3. Build a strong company culture: Companies that prioritize building a strong company culture are more likely to create higher added value for all stakeholders. By prioritizing employee well-being, promoting collaboration and communication, and encouraging a sense of purpose and mission, companies can create a positive work environment that attracts and retains top talent and fosters a sense of loyalty and commitment among employees.
  4. Prioritize sustainability: Companies that prioritize sustainability are more likely to create higher added value for all stakeholders. By implementing sustainable practices, reducing waste and emissions, and promoting social responsibility, companies can build a positive reputation and trust among customers, employees, and investors.
  5. Create partnerships and collaborations: Companies that prioritize creating partnerships and collaborations are more likely to create higher added value for all stakeholders. By working with other businesses, organizations, and stakeholders in their ecosystem, companies can leverage each other’s strengths and create mutually beneficial solutions to common challenges.

Overall, adopting a customer-centric approach, focusing on innovation, building a strong company culture, prioritizing sustainability, and creating partnerships and collaborations are all good business practices that can help create higher added value for all stakeholders of a company.

Roman Klarič & Janez Žezlina

Resultant & Energos Ltd.

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*The article was partially created with the help of generative AI (ChatGPT).