Author: mag. Janez Žezlina

Služnostno vodenje – voditeljstvo za sodobni in bolj trajnostno naravnani povezani svet

Uvod: Zakaj Služnostno vodenje (t.i. servant leadership)? V današnjem hitro spreminjajočem se (poslovnem) okolju, kjer tehnologija, globalizacija in digitalizacija oblikujejo našo realnost, je uporaba ustreznih stilov vodenja še veliko bolj pomembna kot kdaj koli prej.  Klasični voditeljski (op.p. leadership) pristopi, ki temeljijo (zgolj) na hierarhiji, uporabi avtoritete in nadzora, pogosto ne uspejo (uspešno ali pa trajnostno) odgovoriti na (vedno večjo) kompleksnost sodobnih izzivov.  Namesto tega se pojavlja potreba po (voditeljskem) pristopu, ki je bolj prilagodljiv, empatičen in usmerjen v ljudi – t.i. služnostno vodenje (op.p. servant leadership). Služnostno vodenje postavlja voditelje v vlogo podporne sile, kjer je primarni cilj...

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Leading Generations Y and Z – > Navigating the Evolution of Leadership in a Digital Era

Introductionary dillema? As Generation Y (Millennials) and Generation Z increasingly take on leadership roles and form a significant portion of the workforce, organizations are faced with the challenge — and opportunity— of adapting leadership practices to meet the unique characteristics and expectations of these groups. The narrative often suggests that these generations require entirely new leadership approaches.However, it’s worth exploring whether their needs are genuinely different from previous generations or if they simply express them in new ways, shaped by a digital and dynamic business environment. Part 1: Understanding Generations Y and Z Characteristics of Generation Y (Millennials) Born...

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Celtics and Pep – what a combination

As a keen admirer of Barca and Pep’s philosophy I was fascinated to see that Pep Guardiola has visited Joe Mazzulla, the lead trainer from Boston Celtics just before the NBA finals this year and gave him a couple of insights from his leadership treasury. Pep is one of the best football managers and coaches of all time and one of my favorites. Like Boston Celtics, which is the team that really inspires me with their team philosophy and strong organisational culture / DNA. Pep Guardiola, renowned for his innovative and successful approach to football management, can offer valuable...

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Povzetek knjige “The 5 Second Rule” avtorice Mel Robbins (for English version and pdf summary see below) Koristnost vsebine Knjiga “The 5 Second Rule” avtorice Mel Robbins je dragocen vir za posameznike, ki želite izboljšati svojo produktivnost, premagati odlašanje in razviti večjo samozavest. Robbinsova predstavi preprost, a učinkovit način za premagovanje trenutkov dvoma in neodločnosti, kar lahko vodi k še bolj proaktivnemu in izpolnjenemu življenju. Ta metoda je koristna tako v profesionalnem kot osebnem življenju, saj spodbuja hitro ukrepanje in zmanjšuje vpliv negativnih misli, ki nas pogosto zadržujejo. Bistveno sporočilo Osrednje sporočilo knjige je, da imamo vsi sposobnost premagati...

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Ambidextrous Leadership: Balancing for Sustainable Success

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the ability to be an ambidextrous leader is more crucial than ever. Ambidextrous leadership refers to the skill of managing and balancing opposing demands, such as innovation and efficiency, short-term objectives and long-term goals, or strict discipline and employee autonomy. This duality enables leaders to adapt quickly to changes, foster a resilient workforce, and sustain organizational growth amidst constant market fluctuations. In my article “Prava mera – Kako do trajnega razvoja organizacij in posameznikov v njih?”, the emphasis is on finding the right balance across various leadership dimensions to ensure long-term organizational and individual...

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